22 July 2009

Some Assembly Required

This is not a post about food, so if you are expecting it, please move along, nothing to see here.
However, I hope you'll stay for a bit...

Did you know, the words that the other half is most afraid of - apart from 'We're out of Coke' - is 'Can you help me put this together?'. So you could have heard the mutterings a mile away when I bought this piece of 'self assembly' joy.

I needed a place to put all my craft stuff and magazines, and the Oslo low storage unit from Freedom Furniture fit the bill. Except for, ahem, the fact that I had to give the Philips head screwdriver and hammer a bit of a workout.

The shelves are a pain because you have to try and squeeze the dowels and screws into the pre-drilled holes, and they don't always fit. I proudly admit that I made all the drawers myself, and really enjoyed doing it. And yes, I always follow the instructions to the letter.
It took 2 days, but we finally did it (and I did about 75% of it!!).

I've used storage boxes and magazine holders from kikki-k and Smiggle to keep it neat.

Tabitha cat loves it.


  1. Mad storage and DIY skills, Belle!!!!!!!!

  2. Hahahah! i love doing stuff like this! I feel so proud and accomplished afterwards!

  3. Bravo! I hate assembling furniture. I get so bored at it. Luckily hubby loves to do it. I'd rather put a cake together lol.

    I see a place for Tabitha to sit -on top of the magazines ;)

  4. Good job! I always call in my extremely patient dad for jobs like that.

  5. hi Trisha - thanks, I do my best!!

    hi projectivist - cats are like that - swanning around like they own the place...

    hi tummyrumble/Reem - it makes me feel good, too. That's the whole point of DIY for those of us who didn't take woodwork at school!

    hi Lorraine - hehe, Tabitha is like a soft and furry paperweight that likes to eat!

    hi Arwen - I wish I had someone like that. Luckily this project wasn't too hard for me to tackle on my own (some of it, at least!)

  6. hi panda - thanks so much for the award, I'm flattered!


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